I'm a PhD student in joint supervision between the Univ. Grenoble Alpes and the Univ. Nacional de Colombia. I have the huge pleasure to be part of the MRIM (Multimedia Information Modeling and Retrieval) research team, which is part of the LIG lab.

My research aim is to propose an Information Retrieval (IR) model for discovering services. This model must outperform those proposed in prior research on IR-based service discovery. My dissertation is part of a broader project about M-Tourism.

My research is circumscribed between IR and service science. I really love my research because is formal and pragmatic at the same time. In one hand, service science is an important topic in the courses about software engineering that I've taught at the Univ. de Córdoba (Colombia). On the other hand, I enjoy the elegance of the theory behind IR. Finally, machine learning is my holy grail, and I enjoy when I'm programming in R the IR models based on latent factors.

Currently, I have a tenure at the Univ. de Córdoba (Colombia) as an assistant professor. This University funds my PhD study. Besides, I have a scholarship provided by Colciencias-Colfuturo (Convocatoria 528 de Francisco José de Caldas).

PhD supervisors:

Main topics (axes) of my dissertation research: Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, and Service Science

The word cloud in the figure was drawn with R, by using a corpus composed by OWL-S profiles from the collection named OWLS-TC4.